20th of May 2021: Epignosis takes part and delivers key messages at the announcement of the approval of the EU Cloud Code of Conduct and accreditation of SCOPE Europe.
As the first eLearning company which fully complied with version 2.2 of the EU Cloud CoC, Epignosis acknowledges the approval of the EU Cloud CoC as…
Google Cloud Adresses the Approval of the EU Cloud Code of Conduct
As one of the first cloud service providers to declare adherence to the EU Cloud CoC, Google Cloud reacts to the Code’s approval by the Belgian Data…
May 25th, 2021 marks the General Data Protection Regulation’s Third Year Anniversary
As we reach the GDPR's third anniversary, the EU Cloud CoC General Assembly is proud to be a part of this journey and to significantly contribute to…
PRESS RELEASE: Fabasoft is the first company to reach the highest compliance level available while declaring adherence to the EU Cloud Code of Conduct.
Brussels, 20 May 2021 – Giving the solid and long-lasting commitment to uphold outstanding data protection standards, Fabasoft has managed to be the…
PRESS RELEASE: Microsoft Azure adheres to the EU Cloud Code of Conduct
Brussels, 20 May 2021 – Microsoft Azure, a global cloud platform of services, successfully demonstrated its compliance with the EU Cloud Code of…
The EU Cloud Code of Conduct becomes first GDPR code of conduct to receive green light from data protection authorities
The members of the EU Cloud Code of Conduct General Assembly and SCOPE Europe are proud to announce that the EU Cloud CoC has received its official…
EU Cloud Compliance Summit, May 20th, 2021
The EU Cloud CoC General Assembly alongside SCOPE Europe are beyond pleased to invite you to join the upcoming EU Cloud Compliance Summit, taking…
The European Parliamentary Research Service IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS
Author Hendrik Mildebrath discusses the "EU-UK private-sector data flows after Brexit".
TrustArc Serious Privacy Podcast: On Cloud 9 for the EU Cloud Code of Conduct
On the 7th of April TrustArc has dedicated one of its Serious Privacy Podcasts to the EU Cloud Code of Conduct.