Press Release: "EU Cloud Code of Conduct publishes its revised Code aligned to the GDPR"
Cloud providers in the EU Cloud Code of Conduct (EU Cloud CoC) General Assembly reached an important milestone in releasing the revised Code under the…
Arcules joins the EU Cloud Code of Conduct, committing to robust video data protection
Arcules is proud to announce we have joined the EU Cloud Code of Conduct to affirm our commitment to protecting video data in the cloud.
TrustArc outlines why they joined the EU Cloud Code of Conduct General Assembly
TrustArc is honored to join the EU Cloud Code of Conduct (EU Cloud CoC) as members of its General Assembly. Read more at TrustArc's blog.
Epignosis joins the General Assembly of the EU Cloud CoC
The General Assembly welcomes Epignosis as new member of the EU Cloud CoC. Read more at
Press Release: „One year EU Cloud Code of Conduct & 100 Days to go to GDPR“
The General Assembly of the EU Cloud Code of Conduct today laid out recent developments of the Code and challenges for cloud users and providers. Over…
SCOPE Europe represented at event about data protection authorities after GDPR
The European Data Privacy Day is on Sunday, 28. of January. In this context, SCOPE Europe’s Managing Director Jörn Wittmann will participate in the…
Workday joins the General Assembly of the EU Cloud CoC
The General Assembly welcomes Workday as new member of the EU Cloud CoC. Read more at
Press Release, December 12th, 2017
Cisco, Google Cloud and TrustArc join the General Assembly of the EU Cloud Code of Conduct
Cloud Industry Forum becomes Supporter of the EU Cloud Code of Conduct
The General Assembly is happy to announce that Cloud Industry Forum (CIF) has been granted Supporter Status. Read the full press release at…