EU Cloud CoC wil be presented in Shanghai China
At the venue of Alibaba Cloud the Monitoring Body of the EU Cloud CoC - SCOPE Europe - will speak about the legal framework of Codes of Conduct in…
EU Cloud CoC in Silicon Valley
The EU Cloud CoC and its representatives have been invited to present the concept of the Code and its current state.
Huge step made towards Data Protection Compliance
New Version of the Code has been published (May 2017)
Check out our new brochure
The new brochure is summarizing the key aspects of the EU Cloud Code of Conduct and benefits of joining.
How the EU Cloud Code of Conduct helps build cloud trust in Europe
Read why the EU Code of Conduct is uniquely positioned and is open to cloud service providers of all sizes and from all cloud sectors.
IBM signed up another 24 services to the EU Cloud Code of Conduct
We are pleased to announce that IBM has signed up 24 new services to the EU Cloud Code of Conduct. The services join IBM’s SoftLayer and Bluemix…
Remembering Joe Alhadeff
We regret the loss of Joe Alhadeff, VP for Global Public Policy and Chief Privacy Strategist for Oracle who died this weekend.
"Your path to GDPR compliance" with European Cloud Code of Conduct
Jörn Wittmann, Managing Director SCOPE Europe, explains challenges of GDPR and how Code of Conducts, like EU Cloud CoC, may safeguard future…